Real Time Credit Check



bulletUsed in "live" order-taking for quick but comprehensive credit assessment.
bulletEnhancement sums up customers' A/R outstanding, as well as outstanding orders.
bulletIf this total exceeds credit limit, an alternate order number is generated, and the order becomes a "held" order; an email is then sent to the Credit department indicating that the order is on credit hold and needs to be looked at.
bulletAt the Credit department, a screen provides the customer's A/R outstanding, their orders outstanding, their credit limit, and the amount they are over their limit.
bulletBased on this information, and knowledge of the customer, the order is either approved or rejected by Credit.
bulletIf approved, the order is drawn back into the regular order no. sequence, and printed at the order desk.
bulletIf rejected, the order is recorded as a rejected order, and Credit notifies the order desk that the order will remain rejected unless the customer can satisfy Credit that the account will be brought up to date.
bulletIn either case, the person's name in the Credit department who looked at the order is stamped on the order as well as the date and time, for later reference.




bulletSuperior to simple A/R credit checking, which can allow customers to pile new orders to dizzzying heights.
bulletThe Credit department can catch the customer at the "right time" to make good on the account; the customer will not get the order unless it can satisfy credit that it can make payment.
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